Do you find it hard to pass your exams? Have you written an exam several times and you keep failing? Sometimes, you feel so prepared to take an exam but its unfortunate when you still fail it.
I will share with you some effective techniques for passing your exams.
1 Use all your senses when reading. Write out brief points and discuss your topics with your colleagues.
2 Do your revision in different locations. This will help you recall all the information you have stored because in the exam you could picture yourself in those locations and what you studied.
3 Use pictures and diagrams. Do not use words alone. Learn to attach the words to certain images. This will help you remember easily.
4 Read and attempt past questions but do not base your reading solely on this.
5 Always study the layout of the exam and understand its logistics.
6 Try to set questions for yourself and ask a tutor for assistance.
7 Focus on the areas you do not know. You don't need to waste time on areas you already know.
8 Write down short notes on areas you think may crop up.
9 Ensure you get all your materials for the exams.
10 Remove fear and anxiety from your mind. You don't need tension.
1 Arrive at the exam hall on time.
2 Do not revise as you walk to the exam hall.
3 Read the questions properly.
4 Do not waste time on less important points especially when you are against the clock.
5 Always retain your mind on the bigger picture.
6 Time yourself by spending the right time on each question.
7 Present your work neatly and read your answers over again.
8 Do not be tensed.
9 If you are running out of time, try to do a mind dump by listing out brief points with short examples.
1 Always give yourself a break after an exam.
2 Don't hit yourself because no matter how you wrote it, its time to let go.
3 Do not join those students who go around comparing their notes with their answers.
4 If you have more exams, keep your performance in isolation. Each exam is different.
5 Always relax the brain. At this point, you can take a cold shower, eat and relax yourself. Remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. #winks
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