I hear lots of buzzes ,
Surounded by people,
Yet I feel lonely.
So much energy around ,
Yet I feel so feeble.
I feel all the warmth,
Yet I feel cold.

Everywhere is crowded,
But it still feels silent,
Quiet as a graveyard .
Putting on a wide smile ,
Just to hide the pain and loneliness.
Everywhere filled with noise ,
Yet It feels like,
Doors are shut,
Hearts are closed,
Lips are sealed.
Struggling with the pain inside of me,
I try to stop the tears,
But it found a way to roll down my cheeks,
I tried to blend in with the crowd,
But just couldn't do it.
Filled with lots of dreams,
But there is no hope or step to achieve it,
But there's a voice in my heart that keeps saying be inspired,
It's the only thing that keeps me going ,
Till I find a way out of this door,
I will keep holding on to that voice.

Edomwonyi Samuel Uyi

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