I was inspired to write this because of the society we find ourselves. Today's generation of men , finding the type of woman they picture for themselves in a long term relationship with, marrying and building a family can be quite long and tiring. Some give the excuses of being focused but the truth is we all need to be focused but when you see the right woman, she will help you to remain focused to achieve your dreams. Good women are out there but you need to open up your heart as a man. Events from the past may haunt you and cause you to lock your heart but now is the time to let go off those disappointments and focus on the future. Some men find the right woman but they get confused as to either building up a world with her or just letting go. Fate is not to be tested or wasted. Make use of every chance with that lady that makes you happy. Never let timidity or fear overcome you. You may never get the chance again if you lose her. Some of you may have a lot of women around you but  confused as to whom to keep in your life. 
When you find this type of woman, please, never let her go.


  •  The type of woman that makes you smile just by thinking of her. She  makes you smile often not just by talking to her or looking at her photo either online or offline. Just thinking of her or seeing something that reminds you of her makes you smile. Above all, you smile because of what she stands for.
  •  The type of woman who is there for you. Men have this notion that  women can not be givers. She does not need to give you money often but she appreciates your effort always and do little things for you without asking for anything in return.
  •  The type of woman whom you can share your thoughts without fear of being judged. Most men are quite scared of sharing their thoughts with a lady because he thinks she might judge him or look down on him. If you have this type of lady that does not judge your decisions or actions then never let her go. If you are comfortable with her and you can sit down in silence  in her then never let her go.
  • The type of woman who share your dreams, makes you better and loves everything about you that other women took for granted.  Not everyone appreciates your kindness, not everyone appreciates your time or even want to make you better in every aspect of life. Some do not care about your dreams and goals in life. If she cares and she brings up solutions and ways to improve your life, please, never let her go. She is too valuable.
  • The type of woman that makes you happy. No man needs sorrow. If she respects the people who are important to you and she makes every difficult thing looks easy then never let her go.  
 Sometimes, it may seem not to be the right time to be make everything perfect but make the best moments with her. Rome was not built in day. Never you say you do not deserve her because you have been created perfect in the hands of the creator. The most important thing is being happy and sharing each day with the person you love. Never let go of such woman and trust me everything will come easy.

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Uwamose Nelson (KOA) said...

Completely true, but most ladies at times always behave funny especially when they are aware that the guy is into them while others always then to not reciprocate the love.

Unknown said...

This is firstly a well-crafted piece. Writing agrees with you. Then, this is a thoughtful piece. It paints a great picture, it points out the direction with the precision of geography without being condescending.
Ride on.

Unknown said...

Nicely written, but Nigerian ladies try to make things difficult, coz most of dem av suffered heart breaks. Broken heart meet broken heart.hmmm,it will be difficult oooh.

Unknown said...

Well captured and marshaled out. I wish a woman of this quality is always available. Thanks for the morning capsule

Ifeanyi said...

Nicely written. This is how it is suppose to be...

Unknown said...

Wow. Thank you very much PPB Readers. I appreciate every bit of encouragement and motivation.

Uwamose Nelson said...

Wonderful piece..but dont think this works in the again...things have Changed alot

Uwamose Nelson said...

...but dont think this works in the present Buhari's era again....things have Changed