Professional man and woman giving hands greeting
Photo from

BROKEN........ EPISODE 3  
The following day was just like every other working day for me; configuring network devices and trouble shooting any error on the banks network as usual. It seemed like a promising day because i had a smile on my face and i was happy to be at work.  Before going for  my lunch break, my boss called me and told me to setup a new work station in my department for a new staff.  I got back to my office  immediately to face the work quickly so  that i could settle the rumbling in my stomach before the lunch break will end. While setting up the system, i was passing the internet cable under the table when I noticed a pair of smooth
legs walking towards the table and stopped right in front of me. I pulled my short self from  the table to find a slim  lady standing in front of me. Her skin  looked like butterscotch and i wanted to lick her on the spot just to know what she would taste like; she was a goddess.
With a smile that had the intensity to brighten up my life like sunlight, she finally spoke: "Hi, are you Bayo?" I replied her saying:; " How may i help you". She was the new staff I was setting up the work station for and she was sent by my boss so i could introduce her to everybody in the department. I was angry at first because that was not my  job, but i decided to remain calm or i might just get another query. Her name was Kofo, a corps member that got posted to the bank. I made the necessary introductions and asked her to feel free to ask any questions that she may encounter while working.  I left her in the office and went to settle my stomach before it develops a voice and embarrasses  me. I returned to my department and met my boss talking to Kofo.  I tried to walk past him unnoticed but he called me back and asked if I had any work pending.  I made the mistake of being honest and said 'no', if I had known what is next statement was going to be then I would have lied and said I had a lot of work to do. He told me i was going to be in charge of teaching Kofo what we do in the
I.T department, "show her how the different monitoring software works and how to collate the daily, weekly and monthly reports" he said. At this point, i knew this was the punishment for my outburst the other day. I totally suck at teaching people anything, that is because my patience runs thin when I'm trying to get a message across to someone and they are just too dense to assimilate every word coming out of my mouth. I had a disgruntled look on my face as he spoke but i couldn't say anything. Suddenly, i noticed someone close staring at me as my boss kept on talking and as i turned, i saw Kofo giggling. Uncertainty set in and i wasn't sure if she  was happy because I had to be her teacher or because of the look i had on my face. A call came in to his phone and he had to leave to receive it, i turned to Kofo and said with so much disinterest:"Alright, let's get this over with".
I showed her the basic concept of how most of the software work, explained to her that the best way to learn how to use them was learning every bit of the job and not trying to cram everything.  She seemed eager to learn and asked intelligent questions that made me task my brain and that got me impressed. I concluded the brief lecture and told her to get familiar with the software while i return to my desk. All this while, my colleagues were laughing at me because they knew how frustrated i get when i try to teach. There wasn't much work to do in the office that afternoon, so my colleagues decided to talk to Kofo in order know her better. Dami, Ben, Cynthia and Alex were the social ones in the office, i was the only one who  hardly spoke in the department and as they began their little chit-chat with Kofo, i just delved into playing the popular candy crush saga game on my phone. They all  seem to be getting along well. Cynthia was happy to have a fellow female colleague in the office that she could gossip with while Dami, Ben and Alex being the flirts that they are kept showering her with amorous advances. I caught few glances of her smiling as they poured buckets of compliments on her and couldn't help but think that at the end of all this, she's going to end up in one of their bedrooms . After a good day's work, i closed and packed my laptop and other documents in my bag and began to walk out when I felt a soft tap on my shoulder from behind, i  turned and saw Kofo smiling and she said:"Have a lovely night, be happy".
I managed to draw a wry smile on my face as i muttered   "thank you" before walking away. I'm not going to fall for this girl only to get my heart positioned in the tracks of a train and get crushed. I'm not going to feel depressed again, hell no, not when I'm trying to find happiness again.

Watch out for Episode 4


Unknown said...

Lols she is ur happiness o...nice work kip it up

Unknown said...

Thank you

Unknown said...

Make he dey dull der lolz... And u the writer I want to want to warn u when ever u re writing a story dat is so interesting like dis never u keep me in suspense cos wen ever u try dis again I go find u and you go tell the story finish with ur mouth... Lolz

Unknown said...

Thank you. lolzzz

Unknown said...
