Pregnancy is a time when a woman should be cautious about everything she does. Starting from her diet to her daily activities, everything has an effect on the growth and development of the baby growing in her womb.Below are some of the things a pregnant woman should stay away from during these nine crucial months.

1. Alcoholic drinks: Studies has shown that intake of alcohol during this period cause poor growth, learning disabilities and other birth defects.
2. Smoking: This is extremely dangerous as it can lead to premature delivery and early rupture of membranes in the mother. It reduces the oxygen transmission from mother to the baby.
3. Drug abuse: Drugs like cocaine can cause a very serious damage to the unborn baby. The use of some drugs without the prescription from the doctor may lead to issues that you may not know. Therefore, self medication is wrong.
4. Hot bath: Excessive use of steam and heated pools are not good for pregnancy. It may cause the womb to be over heated and can result to fetal death.
5.Exercises: Though exercise is good but excess of it is bad.  Exercises such as straining your back,holding your breath for too long,abdominal crunches etc may hurt you and the unborn baby. You must be careful and don't try out new things.

Now, do you think am missing out something here? If yes, then share with us other things a woman ought to avoid during pregnancy.

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Unknown said...

Intake of cold water...Dis shuld be avoided by pregnant women cus it affects the posture of d baby when it is delivered

Unknown said...

Thank you very much