In our previous post, we started by giving you steps on how to discover your talents. We have more to share but now its more of creativity in everything you do. Some many people have the same talent you have got but you must make yourself exceptional but the question is how do you go about it? 
Below are the tips that will guide you.

1 Test the capacity of your skill to see how far you have gone.
2 Discuss with your loved ones or trusted friends who can point out those other hidden potentials.
3 Measure up your short comings  or challenges and keep trying out new things.
4 Do not let others define your talent. Do it yourself.
5 Build your talent into a skill.
6 They say iron sharpens iron, therefore one person sharpens another. Find like minds and learn from them.
7 Respect your talent by turning it in to something special and making it real.
8 Practice they say makes perfect. Spice up your skill and always try to put in more effort of adding something new and different from others.

Kindly share this post to encourage others.

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