Image result for photos of a man shy to ask a lady out
 Asking a girl out is quite scary as some men put it. For most men, it is not shyness but that fear of rejection. You may have good qualities as a man but it will be a waste if you are shy to approach her. Do not expect to overcome shyness overnight. However, here are tips to help you overcome that shyness in you.

  • It may surprise you to know that a lady can take even the smallest thing in a bad way.  Even if you are shy just know that she will be flattered just by your interest in her.
  • You should also have it at the back of your mind that a lot of girls are shy too and they will never tell you that they like you. Sometimes, you have to be the one to approach them. Of course, that is how it ought to be.
  • Pay keen attention to her and talk often with her. You don't need to flirt with her but instead make her realize you are interested in her.
  • Get to know what she likes. Most men have said this was their greatest help in asking a lady out.
  • Find the perfect place and time to ask her out. This is very important as it determines the outcome. You need to be sure of her mood and schedule so you don't run into disappointments. Of course you know if she is in a bad mood, its not the perfect time for that. If she is very busy, you know she may not have the time to listen to you. Please, avoid asking a lady out through social media chats such as messages, e-mails e.t.c.
  • Be confident. Even if you are not confident, just act like you do. Some ladies may want to test you but because you are nervous, you might just end up messing up.
  • Avoid having a friend with you and having her friends there. Listen, some girls are shy and having your friends might make her nervous. This has to do with matters of the heart so it should be private.
  • Here is the big one guys. Just let out your feelings. Do not try to use heavy compliments. Make it simple. In fact before you tell her, ensure you two are in the right frame of mind and the environment is conducive. Try to look straight into her eyes and if you feel you are still too shy, then no need to look at her. Ensure you still hold your confidence.
  • Be ready for her answer whether positive or not. However, if she accepts it then a lovely smile can do other magics. If its a negative answer, do not be depressed. Ensure you end your conversation in a happy way.  
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Unknown said...

Well put together...Weldone!

Unknown said...

Thank you

Rex said...

Nyc one

Anonymous said...

OK, time to ask that girl out...Hmph... .. ... like the ground should open up and swallow me now

Unknown said...

I dont subscibe to the fact that guys have to be the first to approach girls. If a girl should see a guy she likes and interested in, I think she should also make move... Just my own thought shall...She of nowadays are something else...