Here at Precious Pen we encourage individuals and groups to express their opinion on any trendy topic or issue in the society. Still in the ongoing situation in Edo State, more individuals tend to react to the statements uttered by the State Governor during a meeting with his party faithfuls.
Kindly read this.

Conspiracy Theory according to some leading political scientists is when a leader who has been popularly voted into power begins to take some unpopular decisions and act in a way that tends to weaken his own political party paving the way for the eventual takeover of power by the opposition.

In the light of the above viz-a-viz Edo State Governorship election holding next year, it will be unapologically right to  state that CONSPIRACY THEORY is seemingly at work in Edo State currently. 

Conspiracy theory is when Edo State governorship election is very close and Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Eric Aliyu Oshiomhole consistently and intentionally continues to take some unpopular decisions and act in ways that will ridicule and destroy the ever dreaded All Progressive Congress, (APC) and all her members so that Edo people can then vote for the Peoples Democratic Party, ( PDP). 
 All the Governor's recent overt and perhaps covert acts have all the trappings of a conspirator and a destroyer.

For a while now, I have decided to be silent and observe the terrain but now I have to break out from my shell and speak out before it is too late. This is because the conscience is a naked wound that can only be healed by the truth. 

According to Martin Luther King (Jnr), “There comes a time when Silence will become betrayal”.
Therefore, I do not want to be too silent and be accused of betrayal by my people in the nearest future. 

Conversely, the late Environmental activist, Ken Saro Wiwa will always say that, "He that refuses to speak and remain silent in a time of injustice is either a coward or a traitor"

In view of the above, all well meaning APC leaders and supporters of the Party must speak up now because it is very conspicuous even to the blind that Comrade Oshiomhole does not wish the Edo APC well and he does not want the Party to win the next governorship election in the State. 

I reasonably suspect that Governor Oshiomhole on assumption of office as Edo State Governor has either agreed with some PDP elements to hand over power to the PDP or he has recently entered into an unholy alliance(s) with these elements in the PDP to give them power cheaply.  

For those low-thinking, sycophantic, demented and hypocritical A.P.C supporters who will insult me, call me names or say I have collected money from PDP to write this or even accuse me of anti-Party activities, these are the questions your must avert your mind to and possibly proffer answers right now! 

1. What could be more than conspiracy when the Governor decided to sack about 17,000 workers few days after the last elections in the name of austerity measures where on the other hand there was increase in the number of aides and staff in Government House? 

Was it not more logical and economically viable to drastically reduce the number of government appointees thereby reducing the overhead cost?

2. What could be more than conspiracy when the Governor decided to collect loans, receive Bailout Funds etc and has not accounted for how these monies were spent and or the projects that were embarked on using the money collected?

3. What could be the real meaning of Conspiracy when the comrade Governor wakes up from his bed and decided to introduce Land Use Law and vehemently supported and defended the increase in the Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma (AAU) tuition fees just few months to the gubernatorial election when he knows that these actions will certainly be seen as draconian or unfair and will no doubt be rejected by Edo people thereby undermining the electoral chances of the APC in Edo State next year? 

4. What else could be the meaning of Conspiracy when the Comrade Governor decided to ban and outlaw aspirants in the APC from exercising their right to declare intention to contest the next year election within the Party? 
What could be the reason behind the Governor's instruction that no aspirant should form structures, mobilize for support or commence consultations (campaigns) within the Party until he unilaterally lifts the ban when on the other hand, PDP aspirants have long started mobilising and building structures across the State and beyond?

.5. What else could be the meaning of conspiracy when the Governor knows that the Esama of Benin is well respected by the Binis and enjoys enormous goodwill with millions of supporters both within and outside the State but still went ahead for no good reason to attack and insult the highly revered octogenarian just few months to the election?
Or is it that the Comrade Governor Oshiomhole is no longer aware that he was voted into power to correct the wrongs in Lucky Igbinedion regime and not to continually  lament about Lucky's failed  regime  and consistently  use it as an excuse whenever his stewardship in Edo State is being questioned?  

6.What else could be the meaning of Conspiracy when a governor who has done very well decided to become rash, start making noise, does anything that comes to his mind without listening to anybody? 

It is unfortunate that my hitherto highly intelligent Governor now behaves like a man who has lost focus and continuously embarrasses his party members by his unruly acts.

I can continue with so many questions but for the limited space accorded me.

 This is the time for our party leaders and all lovers of the APC to call the comrade governor to order.

It is sad how he has ridiculed our ever admired, loved and dreaded party and abysmally reduced it to such an infinitesimal state of mockery. 

We must not allow him to kill APC before he leaves office.
His actions if not quickly tamed may make Edo people who have overtime rejected the  PDP to now see her as a  better alternative in the forth coming polls in the State. 

He has refused to understand that people don't judge you by the good things you have done before but by the bad ones you have recently done or doing. 

The governor should be told that it is not how good a journey started; rather, it is how well it ended.

It is regrettable ignominious that those who are suppose to be hiding their heads in shame in Edo State are now being seen as lords, philosophers, prophets and messiahs. 

We must stop Oshiomhole now before he totally sells and destroys our Party. 

We all fought for the Party and made sacrifices to ensure the Governor's victory in 2012, but it is sad that those who were on the 'other side' fighting us are now enjoying the cosy ambience of the Government House and are even throwing stones and pebbles at us from their high havens in Osadebe Avenue.  

I don't care if I am called any derogatory name for writing this piece. However, I do care about the APC and about my Edo people.

 I prefer to be an activist who will stand by the people in times of injustice than to be a blind politician with no credibility and integrity.

I can't remain silent in the midst of all this hullabaloo because of what people may say. 

My conscience and training will not let me do that. I have received too much of insults and attack from people due to the recent actions and inaction of one man and I vow never to allow such nonsense continue.

Without prejudice to the above and despite all these inanies by our comrade Governor, I wish to state very strongly that the PDP is still not an option. Edo people should keep faith with the APC led Government. 

 However, if Oshiomhole decides to impose an unpopular candidate just to further reduce APC’s chance of winning the next election, I can assure that we will support any other party that presents a better and more popular candidate either from the Labour Party (L.P), the Social Democratic Party, (SDP) or even the PDP.

In conclusion, I wish to aver that I still remain a great supporter of President Mohammadu Buhari and the APC but I am no longer a fan of comrade Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole until he amends his ways and stop the further destruction of our darling All Progressive Congress, APC.

 Comrade Felix O.Isere, a former Students’ Union Leader at A.A.U and a Legal Practitioner writes from Benin-City.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nyc write up my co comrade. The struggle must continue for the voice of the great edo people to be heard. Enough is enough for the comrade governor. He goes about borrowing money in order to hire jobless people to sing his praises at d expense of thenext administration. I regret voting for him anyway, i regret voting for APC and i regret voting for Mr President