As charity begins at home, so does violence. Men who slap their wives probably started by slapping their sisters and had lack of respect for female family members. I don't know
what it is about the penis that makes some men think that they are of more value to their families and the world in general than their female relatives. There is often a "respect me because I'm a man" vibe that they exhibit, forgetting that respect is reciprocal.
     Unfortunately, many cultures in Nigeria support
this violence that brothers perpetuate against
sisters. Whether it is physical or psychological,
many cultures put their daughters beneath their
sons and permit for them to be trampled on. The
daughters who rebel are given bad names and
made to feel less than human.
Unfortunately, many mothers have a
big hand in this violence against their daughters.
When you start with impossible standards for
your daughters but your sons are useless with a
big U and you still think the sun shines out of
their filthy behinds. When you tell your daughter
not to talk to boys because upon sighting a boy at
close range she will get pregnant, but you see
your son with girls and you say the girls are the
ones chasing him. You even go to their parents'
houses to warn off those girls. When your sons
actually believe that their sisters were born to
serve them - wash their clothes, actually (bloody
hell!!) serve them food to eat, because you told
them "a woman belongs in the kitchen. Your
brother is a man, he should not be found in the
kitchen". When your son beats your daughter and
rather than get to the root of the matter and
teach both children respect and peaceful
resolution, you tell your daughter she should not
have 'looked for trouble'. When you watch your
male children disenfranchise your female children where family property is concerned and it's okay with you because having a vagina makes a human being less of a child to her parent than
having a penis... 'Congratulations' on raising the kind of men who think that they are the gift Mother Nature gave to the world and women who believe themselves to be the embodiment of 'nothing'. Then, when your daughter land in the hands of men who are
replicas of your own sons you will be give a loud scream and when your girls 'endure' beatings you will bite your finger and be wonder 'why me'?
End violence against women. It start's from your

Osemobor Michael

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To those guys who slaps even their girlfriends and those girls who can't leave ur guy even after receiving beating from him all in the name of Love...May either fire from the pit of hell consume you or thunder with a physician description 1-1-1 strike you down......