My face feels the wrath of his anger,
The slap and the punches,
He turned me to his punching bag,
And then I wondered, how did I get here?
How did I get it so wrong?
What happened to the love he confessed to me?
Did he ever love me?
Was it all a sham?

How did I turn from his first love to his other woman?
All the midnight calls,
The late night comings,
The lipstick stained on his shirt,
I try to keep a blind face
I try to keep a deaf ear,
Hoping for a change
Called unto God
Hoping for a miracle
But nothing changed
I turned his fellow man in our matrimonial home,
He barely even stand d sight of me,
He gets angry over anything I do,
I wonder,
How can I save my marriage,
Is there anything left to save?
Afraid to speak up because he,ll beat me up,
Afraid to seek council in fear of being judged for breaking my marriage , Because society always blames the woman, I pinch my skin, hoping it was all a dream,
But it was all reality,
How can I make it all so silent?
Should I walk away?
What will people say?
Will I ever find love?
All these questions keeps burning inside of me,
My heart is damaged,
My love is broken,
Picking up the shattered pieces,
Trying to make it whole,
But it keeps falling off,
Will I ever free myself of the Hurt and pain ?
Should suicide be an option?

Edomwonyi Samuel Uyi

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