Do you have a friend???

Everyone has friends, I mean who wouldn't have friends in this life of pain and neglect, the love doesn't even measures up to it, a friend is like ur second half, someone you could talk to, someone you can lean on,there should be a special bond that creates the word "FRIENDSHIP".

Nowadays, such friends don't come by easily, infact it's rare, there are situations you could find yourself that would make you wish you ever had met them.
Some friends are only around when the weather is all blue, but as it turns red, that is the moment you will now your FRIEND from FRIENDS. Some friends are very excited whenever they are with you ,and nods to every word you say, but as soon as you turn your back they will betray and backstab you at any given chance.
A friend should be able to drink your water without criticizing how dirty the cup is, you should be able to benefit positively from your friend and vice versa,a friend should be happy for your success and not putting on a fake smile whenever you break the news to then.
So who is your friend?
Find your real friends and cut the others outta your life, because they don't worth it,don't forget that as sweet as the word " FRIENDS" sound , it is a very deadly weapon, so be wise in choosing the "ONE"

Edomwonyi Samuel Uyi

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