The present Nigeria state is clouded in numerous cries of criticism of marginalization, domination, subjugation, shortchanging and violence,to mention but a few. There have also been recent agitation of
either division into many independent segment and inadequate distribution of the common wealth of the nation.
The perversity of the Nigerian state in its incarnation makes it imperative to raise a few posers if only for the mental health of those trapped in its territorial hell hole. Can a modern state benefit and in fact profit its own disorganization and disorientation?

Contemporary Nigeria is a classic illustration of state dysfunction as the organizing principle and function of the state. We have left behind the concept of order in disorder. The disorder is often accidental, purely without design and the culmination of a march of folly of intellectual challenged rulers.

Many factors have kept the Nigerian state on its knees as I stated in the first paragraph of this piece but we must acknowledge the relative progress that has been achieved in infrastructural development, but the wounds of the past and present Nigerians and regions deserve a since and true reconciliation rooted in the fear of God and love of fellow Nigerians.

It must be stated that true reconciliation and eventual peace can only be achieved in a situation and environment where justice is the hallmark of the judicial arm of Government, laws intending justice must be promoted by the legislative arm and the executive arm must execute and implement the laws of the land with a sense of true justice.

The promotion of justice will eventually give birth to true reconciliation and peaceful coexistence. The fear of God being acknowledged by the leaders and followers will make the above postulation a sure achievement.

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