Hey! ladies i got something special for you today. Now these tips are going to guide you on what to wear before the big day. Going out on a date with that special person should not be a dull preparation. If he is so special to you, then you need to put in your best and look good. Do you know that the colours you put on will also determine the outcome of the date?  There are so many things to be concerned before your date, be it your first or second but certainly not the last because even as a married woman you need to always go out on a date with your husband. #winks#. I had a brief interview with some ladies on this topic. Read their opinions on it.

" On my first date, i got confused on what to wear. My elder sister helped me to choose to right outfit and i was happy. I was so concerned about it because he was my long time crush and i didn't want to look awkward."
                                          Anonymous(Lives in Canada)
                              " I was not concerned or worried on what to wear during my first date. I just had to look good and simple. The most important thing was having my fun. However, on my subsequent dates, i realized that i needed to attract the person i was having a date with and truly there are so many things a lady ought to know. Good luck to ladies on their first date. "
It may seem shallow but how you dress for that special day is very important. The truth is that men are moved by what they see and you might end up not getting the chance to go beyond attractions. To make sure you present yourself in the light , follow these guidelines or tips for the perfect date outfit.
I call it killer wears not to seduce the man but to attract him to your personality. Every woman has a personality and that is what a man ought to know first. He must realize what kind of woman you are. So for the men who think they can have you in bed quickly, this is where you let them know that you have a great personality and he must respect that. I would advice you do not wear your everyday routine of clothes. Dress differently and i would suggest a pretty nice gown or a skirt.  
       Many ladies do not care much about this but trust me, men could be crazy over shoes too. They like it when they watch you walk with those feminine curves and only the shoes can determine that. However, this comes in two dimensions. First, if its a night occasion i would suggest heels but you should ensure you are comfortable on them because you won't want him to think you are trying to please him. He needs to accept you for whom you are.
If its during the day then pretty low shoes are just good to go. I would suggest open low shoes so that  you can showcase the colours of your toe nails. In this regard, you need to ensure they are attractive.     
 Choose the right colour. This is what i refer to has the power house. It may seem shallow but yes its very important. Maybe your first date was not so concerned about it but the truth is that, it determines if its going to be a success or not.  Avoid slimming colours because men are not looking for a boardroom friend on a date.  They are looking for a lady who will compliment their masculine energy. Most importantly, choose a colour that looks best on you. Colours like Red, Blue, Green, Purple are quite cool. Black is cool but you can match it up with any sweet colour.

Work with the above guide and your date will be one to always remember. Make up and hairstyle have a role to play. I would suggest that you do not put too much make up. Men love natural women but apply a simple make up to compliment your dressing. Your hair style should not be too loud. Keep it simple. Remember that first impression matters a lot. 

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