Top 10 Kitchen Secrets you ought to know

Hello Beautiful People,
I decided to take our minds a bit to something different today.
Of course, we are into food/grocery niche and we are here to educate you all.
Where are the food lovers? Where are the kitchen lovers? I decided to compile a list of kitchen secrets which we have discovered and can be so educative and facts amazing. Lets get down to to business. Below are Top 10 Kitchen Secrets we ought to know.

1. To get rid of fruit stains on your fingers, rub them with a fresh, peeled potato or white vinegar. Amazing right?
2. Kindly avoid putting citrus fruits or tomatoes in the fridge because the low temperatures take away the aroma and flavour of these fruits. Hmmmm!
3. In order to keep your milk fresh for a long period and stop it from going off, try adding a pinch of salt to the bottle when you first open it. Amazing!
4. To clean an electric kettle with calcium build up on the heating element, boil a mixture of half white vinegar and half water, then empty. Wow!!!
5. If you have some leftover wine, freeze it in ice cube trays for easy addition to soups and sauces in the future. Great!
6. After boiling pasta or potatoes, cool the water and use it to water your house plants, the water contains nutrients that your plants will love. Give it a try!
7. If you aren’t sure how fresh your eggs are, place them in about 10cm of water. Eggs that stay on the bottom are fresh. If only one end tips up, the egg is less fresh and should be used soon. If it floats, it’s past the fresh stage.
8. Keep lettuce fresh in the fridge by wrapping it in a clean, dry paper towel and storing lettuce and paper towel in a sealed bag in the fridge.
9. If you over-salt a pot of soup, just drop in a peeled potato, the potato will absorb the excess salt. Fantastic!
10. Don’t store your bananas in a bunch or in a fruit bowl with other fruits. Separate your bananas and place each in a different location. Bananas release gases which cause fruits (including other bananas) to ripen quickly. Separating them will keep them fresh longer.

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Unknown said...

Very educative...esp the banana storing top...

Unknown said...

Thank you PPB Reader

Unknown said...
